Denizli Autism Association was founded on April 2, on the autism awareness day in 2014 by the parents of children with autism. It is a non-governmental organization whose main purpose is; to support individuals with autism and their families to live a life in accordance with human rights and dignity. Our target audience is individuals with autism and their families, public institutions, local administrations, educators and candidates of educators. As a member of Autism Europe, DAA participate in the studies on the defense of the rights of individuals with autism in a broader concept.
İyilik yapmak, farkında olmak, paylaşmak; bizim için çok değerli…
İşte tam da bu nedenle 07.03.2021`de Runatolia`da Denizli Otizm Derneği için koşuyoruz.
Eğer ki; destek olmak, sana heyecan veriyorsa; yapacağın en küçük bağışın bile değeri çok büyük…
Biz; Denizli`nin plakasından yola çıkarak bağış miktarını 20 TL olarak sembolize etmek istedik . Tabii ki daha azı ya da daha çoğu hiç fark etmez. Hatta bu postu dahi paylaşmanız bizi çok mutlu eder.
Desteklerinizi bekliyoruz sevgilerimizle...
Denizli Autism Association was founded on April 2, on the autism awareness day in 2014 by the parents of children with autism. It is a non-governmental organization whose main purpose is; to support individuals with autism and their families to live a life in accordance with human rights and dignity. Our target audience is individuals with autism and their families, public institutions, local administrations, educators and candidates of educators. As a member of Autism Europe, DAA participate in the studies on the defense of the rights of individuals with autism in a broader concept.