For 75 years, UNICEF has worked to improve the lives of children and their families. Despite remarkable challenges around the world, UNICEF staffers fight for the rights of every child seeking safe shelter, nutrition, protection from disaster and conflicts, and equality.
Ciao a tutti! Siamo Ilaria e Vittoria :)
Siamo colleghe ma anche amiche, e pensiamo che insieme possiamo fare la differenza!
Il 6 febbraio la Turchia è stata colpita da una devastante terremoto. Migliaia le vittime e gli edifici distrutti, innumerevoli le scuole e gli ospedali crollati.
Per renderci utili abbiamo deciso di partecipare ad una sfida un po' fuori dalle righe ed attirare la tua attenzione: il 20 e 21 settembre percorreremo in kayak i fiumi del nord della Polonia. Ti chiediamo quindi di dare piccolo contributo a UNICEF per aiutare i bambini delle zone terremotate.
Per favore, condividi questa campagna - Ogni donazione sarà preziosa!
Hi there! It's Ilaria and Vittoria :)
We are not just colleagues but also friends. We love the idea that when we work together, we can make a difference!
On the 6th of February Turkey was hit by a devastating earthquake. Thousands of people died, thousands of buildings collapsed, many schools and hospitals were destroyed.
We want to help so we have decided to take part in a slightly out-of-the-ordinary challenge: on the 20th and 21st of September we will kayak the rivers of northern Poland. We ask you to make a small contribution to UNICEF to help children in the areas affected by the earthquake.
Please share this campaign! Every donation is welcome!
For 75 years, UNICEF has worked to improve the lives of children and their families. Despite remarkable challenges around the world, UNICEF staffers fight for the rights of every child seeking safe shelter, nutrition, protection from disaster and conflicts, and equality.