YGA, geleceğe umutla bakmamızı sağlayan çift kanatlı gençler yetiştirir. YGA’lı gençler kanatlarını, insanlığa faydalı teknoloji temelli inovasyonları hayata geçirirken geliştirirler. Bilim Seferberliği YGA'nın bir sosyal sorumluluk projesidir. YGA hakkında bilgi için: yga.org.tr Bilim Seferberliği ile ilgili bilgi için: bilimseferberliği.org
There are 4.6 million children affected from the earthquake in 10 different cities.
Damages to schools and other educational infrastructures jeopardize children’s education and well-being.
YGA's team of science volunteers are currently working in the field to support children in rebuilding their confidence and sense of competence. Additionally, they aim to inspire future generations to value both conscientiousness and science.
YGA needs your help so that its volunteers can stay in the field for a longer time and reach out to many more children as you will see in the video below. If you can, please give generously and spread the word for others to do the same.
What do children in disaster areas need?
• Children need activities that allow them to actively engage, rather than just passively observe.
• They need sustainable, ongoing support, not just one-time interventions.
• In order to prevent volunteers from inadvertently causing harm while trying to assist, it is crucial that they receive proper training.
How do we address these needs?
• We organize science workshops where children can participate actively, not passively. The contents of the Science workshops enhance children's competencies in the areas of STEM+A and provide them with an environment to develop projects that they can create through their own efforts. So that they can feel again secure, in control and hopeful for the future.
• We provide all volunteers with specialized training before deploying them to the field, which is developed in collaboration with expert scientists and psychologists like Prof. Mehmet Toner and Prof. Acar Baltaş.
• To ensure the long-term sustainability of the workshops, we engage a variety of stakeholders, including YGA graduates and volunteers, local institutions, NGOs and corporate volunteers, to support ongoing planning, execution, and impact measurement.
What do we do?
• Every week, we conduct science workshops with children who have been affected by earthquakes, with the support of our Science Volunteers.
• We offer a Digital Science app that provides children with additional educational content and allows us to monitor their progress and growth.
• In the summer of 2023, we are planning to organize a Science Camp in Istanbul for children who have participated in our science workshops and demonstrated engagement through our digitally connected community.
YGA, geleceğe umutla bakmamızı sağlayan çift kanatlı gençler yetiştirir. YGA’lı gençler kanatlarını, insanlığa faydalı teknoloji temelli inovasyonları hayata geçirirken geliştirirler. Bilim Seferberliği YGA'nın bir sosyal sorumluluk projesidir. YGA hakkında bilgi için: yga.org.tr Bilim Seferberliği ile ilgili bilgi için: bilimseferberliği.org