Hesap Adı: ULUSLARARASI KALKINMA VE ÇEVRE DERNEĞİ-IDEA UNİVERSAL Swıft code :FNNBTRIS (İşlem yaparken açıklama kısmına telefon numaranızı ve e-posta adresinizi yazmayı lütfen unutmayınız.)
A thousand thanks to you for saying that a better world is possible together.
We need your support today more than ever. For years, the forgotten people of the underdeveloped countries have been experiencing the epidemic crisis that even the most developed countries have difficulty in managing today. Polluted water, malnutrition and poverty claim more lives each year than all forms of violence and wars. With your support, we can change this situation. We know sustainable solutions to water, hunger and education problems and we are highly motivated to implement these solutions.
With a donation of only 180 TL, you can meet a person's lifetime water needs and share our dream of an equal and fair earth. This donation you make will enable a person you have never met to have access to clean water, which is their basic right to life. With the awareness of the responsibility brought by the impact of paper consumption on nature, we will send the certificate of appreciation we have prepared digitally to your e-mail address.
By choosing the Donate regularly option, you can multiply the difference you make by providing water to a new person every month.
Why 180 TL? How do we calculate?
There are different methods of solving water and hunger problems in the poorest villages. We mostly establish network systems with boreholes reaching a depth of 120 meters and solar-powered smart pumps. From time to time, we use solutions such as rainwater harvesting, rehabilitation of an idle water project, and sea water purification according to the needs of the region.
In addition, we lead the way for local people to get food and income by establishing common agricultural areas in the villages and supporting them with irrigation systems, seed banking and trainings. We provide energy to each family by giving them solar kits. When we divide the average budget of Smart Villages by the village population, we find the per capita amount.
Since the day we set out with the principles of transparency and independence, we have transformed the future for hundreds of thousands of people in 6 countries with agriculture, water, energy and education projects within the scope of sustainable development goals. Thanks to IDEA Universal Association volunteers and donors, we succeeded together.
If you want to examine in more detail how we realize our water, seed and energy projects, you can visit our website.
IDEA Universal Association Website
By following IDEA Universal Association on social media accounts (Facebook, Instagram, Youtube) and sharing our story with the people around you, you can grow the seed of goodness you planted.
Thank you for transforming the future with us and bringing hope to life.