As Foundation for Children in Need of Protection Turkey, were trying to develop solutions to the problems of children in need of protection thus trying to minimize the negative social impact of this problem on society. For this purpose, we carry out preventive, protective and improvement activities.
AFLODAY Doğadan Gelişim Atölyesi haklarından yoksun çocukların temel haklarına kavuşabilmesine, iyi bir geleceğe sahip olmasına ve topluma geri kazandırılmasına destek olma amacıyla sosyal sorumluluk projesi başlattık.
Hakları ihlal edilen çocuklarla ilgili farkındalık yaratmak, şartlarını iyileştirmek üzere toplumu bilinçlendirmek, gönüllüğü teşvik etmek üzere çalışıyoruz.
2019 yılında başlattığımız projenin kısa vadede hedefi online atölyelerle her yıl 1000 kişiye ulaşıp konu ile ilgili farkındalık yaratmak, uzun vadeli hedef ise; çocuk haklarını korumak, sağlıklı toplum için sağlıklı çocuklar yetişmesine destek sağlamak üzere toplumu bilinçlendirmek.
Gülümseyen Yarınlar Projesi kapsamında; 2019 yılında her ay iki adet ücretsiz Koruncuk Gönüllü Atölyesi gerçekleştirdik. Çocuk haklarını, çocuk hakları ihlallerine karşı yapılabilecekleri, Koruncuk Vakfı’nı anlattığımız atölyeler ile yaklaşık 500 kişiye birebir eriştik, gönüllülüğü teşvik ettik ve yüzlerce kişide konu ile ilgili farkındalık yarattık.
2019 yılından beri finanse ettiğimiz projeyi 2022 yılından itibaren kurum ve bireylerin atölye sponsorluğunda gerçekleştirerek daha fazla sayıda insana ulaşma hedefinde ilerliyoruz.
Gülümseyen yarınlar için...
As Foundation for Children in Need of Protection Turkey, were trying to develop solutions to the problems of children in need of protection thus trying to minimize the negative social impact of this problem on society. For this purpose, we carry out preventive, protective and improvement activities.
The Turkish Foundation for Children in Need of Protection (Koruncuk) is a non-profit foundation that provides shelter, education and health support to children and young people through its Koruncukk villages, as well as supporting their personal development through cultural and artistic activities, but not limited to this, and carries out activities to minimize the negative social effects that children whose rights are at risk may face, and carries out preventive, protective and healing activities for this purpose.
In order to support the work of the Foundation, if you make a donation in kind and/or in cash using the donation options on the website and/or if a donation is made on your behalf by someone else, we receive your name, surname, telephone and e-mail address information that we receive from you by filling out virtual forms for your registration as a donor and acceptance of the donation in order to follow up the donation transactions and to inform you about your donation. In the event that you make a separate donation as a volunteer runner within the scope of the charity run, we process your information in order to fulfill our legal, legal, financial and other obligations in accordance with the establishment and execution of the donation agreement and the relevant legislation. Your information may be transferred to companies providing postal/cargo services for sending the relevant documents related to your donation; and to service providers providing e-announcement / SMS sending services for donor communication.
You may submit your requests within the scope of Article 11 of the Personal Data Protection Law "regulating the rights of data subjects" to our Foundation in accordance with the "Communiqué on the Procedures and Principles of Application to the Data Controller".
In matters related to the processing of your personal data, you can submit your application to the e-mail and/or postal address of the Foundation in the following ways, provided that you comply with the conditions in Article 5 of the Communiqué on the Procedures and Principles of Application to the Data Controller:
§ In writing and signed
§ By e-mail sent from your registered electronic mail (KEP) address
§ With secure electronic signature or mobile signature
§ You can send it to our Foundation using your e-mail address, which we have received in our records as you have specified here.
Depending on the nature of your request and your application method, our Foundation may request additional verifications (such as sending a message to your registered phone, making a call) in order to determine whether the application belongs to you and thus protect your rights.
Altan Erbulak Sokak, Hoşkalın Apt. No: 6/5 Kat: 2, 34394 Mecidiyeköy-Istanbul
Telephone: +90 212 274 9545
Fax: +90 212 267 0504