Teachers Academy Foundation (ÖRAV) is the first and only non-governmental organization in Turkey focusing on the personal and professional development of teachers. Founded in 2008, the foundation’s mission is to use existing opportunities and resources in the most efficient way to deliver education programs that will support the professional and personal development of teachers and educators.
Merhaba, Ata'mızın " Eğitimdir ki bir milleti; ya hür, bağımsız, şanlı, yüksek bir topluluk halinde yaşatır; ya da esaret ve sefalete terk eder." cümlesi ile başlamak istiyorum.
Depremden etkilenen öğretmenlerimize destek olmak için Örav destek turnuvasına katılıyorum, işin zor kısmını ben yaparken kolay kısmında :) ufak da olsa sen de bana yardımcı olur musun ?
Şimdiden çok teşekkürler
Teachers Academy Foundation (ÖRAV) is the first and only non-governmental organization in Turkey focusing on the personal and professional development of teachers. Founded in 2008, the foundation’s mission is to use existing opportunities and resources in the most efficient way to deliver education programs that will support the professional and personal development of teachers and educators.
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