Tohum Turkey Autism Early Diagnosis and Education Foundation was established on April 15, 2003, as a non-profit health and education foundation serving the public interest. Its mission is to facilitate the early diagnosis of children with autism, support their special education, and help integrate them into society while promoting these efforts nationwide.
Carissimi fan di Sen Çal Kapimi, membri di WeLoveSÇK Fan Group,
come sapete il 4 Giugno Kerem festeggia il suo compleanno.
Ognuno di noi vorrebbe inviargli un pensiero, essergli vicino in questo giorno speciale.
Potevamo proporvi mille cose, ma abbiamo deciso di dare un aiuto concreto per una causa che è molto vicina a Kerem.
Il disturbo dello spettro autistico, può colpire chiunque, senza differenza di status, razza, ecc. E' importante avere una diagnosi precoce per poter garantire ai bambini un metodo educativo e un'istruzione adeguata.
Oggi si stima che 1 bambino su 44 sia colpito da un disturbo dello spettro autistico, ma mentre, in Europa la percentuale delle scuole per loro è intorno al 3-6%, in Turchia ammonta allo 1%.
Per rimediare alla mancanza di strutture educative la “Tohum Autism Foundation” nel 2006 ha intrapreso un nuovo progetto che ha portato alla costruzione di una nuova scuola e si sta tuttora impegnando su altri numerosi progetti.
Vogliamo sostenere la TOHUM, aprendo questa campagna in occasione del compleanno di Kerem.
Come già successo in altre occasioni non abbiamo un obiettivo preciso per questa raccolta fondi, non è importante il quanto, non si può mettere un freno alla generosità. Ognuno doni quel che può, insieme, possiamo fare l'impossibile!
Abbiamo un mese di tempo per far arrivare la nostra generosità alla TOHUM.
Grazie sin da ora a tutti, perchè con il nostro contributo alla TOHUM renderemo il giorno del compleanno di Kerem Bursin, un giorno speciale!
Alcune Informazioni utili per la donazione, LEGGETE ATTENTAMENTE!
Donare è molto semplice, basta una carta di credito del circuito Visa o MasterCard.
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Accedete alla campagna We Love SCK for TOHUM on Kerem's Birthday
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Cliccate su Dona una volta e riempite i campi richiesti (Nome Cognome e mail) flaggate l'opzione "mostra l'importo" così sarà visibile l'andamento della campagna.
Scegliete l'importo da donare con modalità carta di credito e inserite le info richieste relative alla vostra carta.
Consiglio: l'importo del contatore è il TL lire turche, per stabilire quanto volete donare fate un cambio valuta on line da Euro a Lira Turca cercando su google ad es e stabilite la cifra che volete donare. Nel momento in cui finalizzate la donazione il vostro istituto applicherà direttamente il cambio e preleverà la somma scelta. Esempio: decido di donare 5€, faccio un cambio valuta e vedo che 5 euro corrispondono a 79TL circa. Inserisco come importo 79TL e completo con i dati della carta.
Completo tutte le verifiche di sicurezza che mi richiede il mio istituto e finalizzo la donazione.
Vi verrà richiesto anche di inserire la vostra data di nascita, passaggio che potete saltare e potete sceglire la modalità con la quale ricevere aggiornamenti dall'associazione.
Riceverete una mail di ringraziamento dalla Tohum per il vostro contributo.
Diffondete la campagna ai vostri contatti avendo cura di spiegargli bene tutto il procedimento.
Condividete la campagna sui social (potete utilizzare la social bar che c'è sul sito, quella striscetta, dove vedete il simbolo di Fb, Whatapp, Twitter e il tasto copia) taggando e citando la TOHUM in base al social che scegliete ( hanno FB, Twitter e IG) come hashtag usate #otizmeçareeğitim #welovesckfortohum
Il Team di WeLoveSÇK Fan Group
Tohum Turkey Autism Early Diagnosis and Education Foundation was established on April 15, 2003, as a non-profit health and education foundation serving the public interest. Its mission is to facilitate the early diagnosis of children with autism, support their special education, and help integrate them into society while promoting these efforts nationwide.
We, as the Tohum Autism Early Diagnosis and Education Foundation in Turkey (“Tohum Autism”), attach great importance to the processing of your personal data in accordance with the relevant legislation. In this context, we, as Tohum Autism, inform you, our esteemed donors, about which, how, for what purpose, and for what period your personal data is processed and to whom your data is transferred, and your rights within the framework of the Law No. 6698 on the Protection of Personal Data (“Personal Data Protection Law”). (“KVKK”). 1. Data Processing Activity and Its Scope 1.1. Personal Data Processed for the Purpose of Legal Compliance We, as Tohum Autism, process the following personal data without your explicit consent within the scope of Articles 5 and 6 of the KVKK in order to achieve the purposes stated in our articles of foundation and in the Personal Data Protection Policy of the Tohum Autism Foundation: 1.1.1. Information on name and surname; 1.1.2. Information on date of birth; 1.1.3. Contact information including mailing address, telephone number, and e-mail address; 1.1.4. Credit card/bank account information; 1.1.5. Information on amount of donation; 1.2. Processing Method, Legal Reason, and Purpose of Personal Data Processed within the Scope of Legal Compliance Your personal data in question is obtained and processed in physical and electronic environment as stated below: 1.2.1. The forms on the website of the Tohum Autism; 1.2.2. E–newsletter registration form; 1.2.3. Event participation form; 1.2.4. Donor form; 1.2.5. SMS Registration; 1.2.6. Information received during the application by phone, e-mail or in person. Within the scope of the donation relationship established between you and the Tohum Autism, your personal data obtained through the methods listed above is processed by automatic and non-automatic methods for the purposes that i) It is clearly stipulated in the relevant legislation, especially in the Law of Foundations, to which the Tohum Autism is subject, and in this context, it is mandatory for the Tohum Autism to fulfill its legal obligation, ii) It is necessary to process the personal data of the parties to the contract, provided that it is directly related to the execution or performance of the contract between you and the Tohum Autism, iii) data processing is mandatory for the establishment, exercise or protection of a right, and iv) it is processed due to the legitimate interests of the Tohum Autism. The purpose of processing your personal data is to fulfill the founding purpose of the Tohum Autism, to carry out our activities as well as the social responsibility projects, to execute the activities in accordance with the applicable legislation, to prepare the donation receipts, to keep records of donation receipts, to prepare donation certificates, and to fulfill the obligations arising from tax law. In this context, we would like to point out that we by no means go beyond this purpose and basis with respect to the processing of your personal data. 1.3. Transfer of Personal Data within the Scope of the Purpose of Legal Compliance In order to carry out its foundation activities and for the above-mentioned purposes, Tohum Autism transfers your personal data to domestic organizations, bulk SMS sending companies, mail sending institutions, CRM system, courier companies, banks, Regional Directorate of Foundations, General Directorate of Foundations and tax offices. If necessary, transfers are made to law enforcement and judicial authorities. 1.4. Processing Method of Personal Data Subject to Your Explicit Consent and Its Purpose Your personal data specified below is processed, with your express consent , through automatic and non-automatic methods during the establishment of the donation relationship and the performance of the obligations arising from this relationship, in physical and/or electronic environment, for the purposes listed below:
We, as the Tohum Autism Early Diagnosis and Education Foundation in Turkey (“Tohum Autism”), attach great importance to the processing of your personal data in accordance with the relevant legislation. In this context, we, as Tohum Autism, inform you, our esteemed donors, about which, how, for what purpose, and for what period your personal data is processed and to whom your data is transferred, and your rights within the framework of the Law No. 6698 on the Protection of Personal Data (“Personal Data Protection Law”). (“KVKK”).
1. Data Processing Activity and Its Scope
1.1. Personal Data Processed for the Purpose of Legal Compliance
We, as Tohum Autism, process the following personal data without your explicit consent within the scope of Articles 5 and 6 of the KVKK in order to achieve the purposes stated in our articles of foundation and in the Personal Data Protection Policy of the Tohum Autism Foundation:
1.1.1. Information on name and surname;
1.1.2. Information on date of birth;
1.1.3. Contact information including mailing address, telephone number, and e-mail address;
1.1.4. Credit card/bank account information;
1.1.5. Information on amount of donation;
1.2. Processing Method, Legal Reason, and Purpose of Personal Data Processed within the Scope of Legal Compliance
Your personal data in question is obtained and processed in physical and electronic environment as stated below:
1.2.1. The forms on the website of the Tohum Autism;
1.2.2. E–newsletter registration form;
1.2.3. Event participation form;
1.2.4. Donor form;
1.2.5. SMS Registration;
1.2.6. Information received during the application by phone, e-mail or in person.
Within the scope of the donation relationship established between you and the Tohum Autism, your personal data obtained through the methods listed above is processed by automatic and non-automatic methods for the purposes that i) It is clearly stipulated in the relevant legislation, especially in the Law of Foundations, to which the Tohum Autism is subject, and in this context, it is mandatory for the Tohum Autism to fulfill its legal obligation, ii) It is necessary to process the personal data of the parties to the contract, provided that it is directly related to the execution or performance of the contract between you and the Tohum Autism, iii) data processing is mandatory for the establishment, exercise or protection of a right, and iv) it is processed due to the legitimate interests of the Tohum Autism.
The purpose of processing your personal data is to fulfill the founding purpose of the Tohum Autism, to carry out our activities as well as the social responsibility projects, to execute the activities in accordance with the applicable legislation, to prepare the donation receipts, to keep records of donation receipts, to prepare donation certificates, and to fulfill the obligations arising from tax law. In this context, we would like to point out that we by no means go beyond this purpose and basis with respect to the processing of your personal data.
1.3. Transfer of Personal Data within the Scope of the Purpose of Legal Compliance
In order to carry out its foundation activities and for the above-mentioned purposes, Tohum Autism transfers your personal data to domestic organizations, bulk SMS sending companies, mail sending institutions, CRM system, courier companies, banks, Regional Directorate of Foundations, General Directorate of Foundations and tax offices. If necessary, transfers are made to law enforcement and judicial authorities.
1.4. Processing Method of Personal Data Subject to Your Explicit Consent and Its Purpose
Your personal data specified below is processed, with your express consent , through automatic and non-automatic methods during the establishment of the donation relationship and the performance of the obligations arising from this relationship, in physical and/or electronic environment, for the purposes listed below:
1.5. Domestic Transfer of Personal Data Subject to Explicit Consent
Your personal data specified in Article 1.4 is transferred with your express consent to domestic organizations and publishing, distribution, and cargo companies by the Tohum Autism for the above-mentioned purposes.
Tohum Autism can send text messages prior to events in order to promote events that will be organized to fulfill its founding purpose. In this context and for the purposes stated above, your personal data is transferred to service providers within the scope of bulk message and mailing processes.
2. Processing Time of Personal Data
We, as Tohum Autism, keep the personal data we process within the technological methods, accurately and up-to-date, for a period of 10 years stipulated in the legislation. In the event that the reasons for the processing of personal data disappear and/or the period stipulated for their storage in the relevant legislation expires, the personal data in question shall be deleted or disposed of upon request.
3. Your Rights Under KVKK
We would like to emphasize that you have the following rights regarding your personal data within the scope of the law:
3.1. Finding out whether your personal data is processed;
3.2. If your personal data has been processed, requesting information in respect thereof;
3.3. Finding out why your personal data is processed and whether they are used in accordance with the purpose;
3.4. Knowing third parties to whom personal data is transferred nationally and internationally;
3.5. To request rectification of personal data in case of incomplete or incorrect processing,
3.6. Requesting the deletion or destruction of personal data;
3.7. Requesting the notification of changes made within the scope of Articles 3.5 and 3.6 to third parties to whom the personal data has been transferred;
3.8. Objecting to the emergence of a result against you by analyzing the processed personal data only through automated systems; and
3.9. Requesting the compensation of damage in case of damage due to unlawful processing of personal data.
In order to exercise your above-mentioned rights regarding personal data, you may send your requests along with your ID information either to [email protected] via secure e-mail, mobile signature or e-mail or to the mailing address, or to "Merkez Mah. Siracevizler Cad. Zülfikarlar İş Hanı No:27 Kat.3 Sisli - Istanbul" address in writing and with an original signature by hand, by post or by notary public.
This informed consent covers the terms and conditions of the Personal Data Protection Policy of Tohum Autism Foundation published by the Tohum Autism on its website.
Through this informed consent prepared in accordance with the Law No. 6698 on the Protection of Personal Data (“KVKK”) by the Tohum Autism Early Diagnosis and Education Foundation in Turkey (“Tohum Autism”), I hereby read and understand
1. which of my personal data is obtained by what methods, for what legal reasons and purposes it is processed, for what purposes it is transferred to whom, which of my personal data is processed and transferred without my express consent, which in the presence of my express consent, and
2. my rights listed in Article 11 of the KVKK.
In this context, I hereby give consent the processing of my personal data marked below and its transfer to domestic organizations and publishing and distribution companies by the Tohum Autism.