
Create Donation Pages Quickly

Create customized donation pages in just a few minutes.

Share your donation page via email, social media or SMS and start fundraising. There are no limits to the number of donation pages you can create.

Reporting & Automation

Reporting & Automation

  • Donations and donor information are transferred to your CRM.
  • Donations and donor information are updated in real time.
  • To thank the donor, emails, SMS and e-cards can be sent automatically.
  • Each page can have its own customized content.
Advanced Settings

Advanced Settings

  • Specify the questions to be asked to donors, assign donation categories to donation pages for reporting purposes.
  • Settings such as changing default donation amounts, setting a fixed and/or multipliable donation amount or different amounts for monthly donations takes only a few seconds.
Receiving Donations From Abroad

Receiving Donations From Abroad

  • You can safely receive donations from abroad.
  • You can translate your content and you can receive donations in other currencies such as USD, EUR, GBP etc.
  • If you would like to use these features within your design, please check out Donations Forms

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